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A member registered Dec 08, 2016

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Another bug- In stage 3, it won't connect new deconstruction pylons to existing conveyance ports. 

Also, at some point wasn't there a key to show the map with no buildings? I'd like to have that back :) 

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edit- the mac version was crashing constantly for me but i reinstalled and it seems to be fixed! again WHAT a beautiful game, i love it

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Hi! Delightful so far, but I'm having a couple issues with the OSX version- some text seems to be missing including the currency counter. I only got partway through flood plain 1 and ran out of money without warning; the continue button on the menu that came up then also does not seem to work.

...editing because i figured out the arrow keys oops... Still having issues with missing text on the currency counter, building cost and the names/labels of structures... I started over several times due to building myself into a corner/running out of money and not having strategy in place, it would help if you could undo more than one step back, or have multiple saves. 

Despite all that I managed to complete flood plain 3 and oh my goodness what an experience, im about to cry over the little deer and bears wow... 

cute and harder than it looks! I did notice on level 15 you can clear the bottom row by just scrolling past them with the ball still on your bat.